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Fifth – Easy Peasy All- in- One Homeschool. Reading. Read America’s national anthem. Read the whole thing, but the song ends after “brave?”Read the definitions at the end. Sing the anthem with your family if you like. Vocabulary. Do a vocabulary matching game. Writing. Write a short story using at least three of the vocabulary (bold) words from day 3.

Renzulli Learning educational software empowers K-12 teachers and engages students in online personalized learning curriculum to ensure academic success, cr.
Get a high five and/or hug if you use five or more. Click on what year you are studying: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4. Watch The Invisible Woman Dailymotion. Day 3. 6*Math. Reading.
It’s a busy life filled with lots of things to do and even more distractions. But there’s one pursuit that can be fun for everyone involved, plus it has benefits.
Read Burning the Fallow and Piccola and The Mountain and the Squirrel. Here is a picture of burning the fallow, setting fire to uncultivated land to clear it. It is a technique that’s been used a lot but should never be used on a hot, windy day. Why, do you think?

· The Asahi Shimbun is widely regarded for its journalism as the most respected daily newspaper in Japan. The English version offers selected articles from. Binge watching is America’s new favorite pastime. I mean, what could be better than plopping on the couch to watch a TV show from start to finish in the course of a.
Retell the story of each. Reread the first sentence of the first story. Make a guess as to what sultry and abate (abating) mean from the context of the story. (Answers)What is the simile in the first sentence? Answers)Any idea of what that simile means? Here are several images of things that billow. Definition: a large sea wave, although it usually refers to a big cloud) Now what do you think the simile means?
Vocabulary. Do the vocabulary 3 matching game. Writing**We’re going to start writing a five- paragraph essay. Choose a topic you are studying for school in history or science to write about. Print out this flower organizer and write a fact about your topic in each petal. Write your topic in the middle or at the top of the page. Click on what year you are studying: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4.
Day 3. 7 Math. Reading. Writing. Do you remember what the five paragraphs to a short essay are? Today choose your three main points. To do that look at your facts. Can they be organized into three topics? If one doesn’t fit, it’s okay to leave it out.
You need at least two facts for each point you want to make. Write the numbers 1, 2, 3 and mark which facts go together. On the back of your page write what your three points are going to be.
For instance, for an essay on the pyramids on the back write, “1. The pyramids were made by workers, not slaves.” Then write the number 1 on the petal facts that would go with that topic.
Example 1. Workers were paid with bread and beer.)Grammar. Try this noun exploration game. They are going to show you two choices. You pick the one written correctly. Some of them are plurals and you have to pick which is spelled correctly and some are abbreviations, like Mr. Do your best. Computer.
This year in computer class you are going to create a blog. Today you are going to decide on what your blog will be. Decide what you are going to share about. It can be a place where you share what you learn in school, a place where you share a hobby, a place where you share your artwork or photographs, it can be a place where you share what normal things you do each day, it can be a place where you share what you believe. Think about it. Think of a title.
Write down your title and a description of your blog’s purpose. Click on what year you are studying: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4. Day 3. 8 Math. Reading. Read The Four Mac. Nicols. Tell someone the story. Make sure you explain who the characters are, where and when it takes place and what happens in the beginning middle and end.
Writing. Write your introduction. The first sentence should catch the readers attention. Use a strange fact or ask a question or use an interesting quote. Then say something about your topic but don’t give your facts yet.
The last sentence is your thesis statement, your topic sentence. This sentence tells what your essay is going to be about. Don’t write, “My essay is about…”Here’s an example. You’ve seen pictures of pyramids, right? Did you know that each stone in a pyramid weighed as much as a car? The pyramids were built with a lot of hard work, but also with a lot of intelligence.
The pyramids were an amazing feat of engineering. Did I get you interested with my questions and interesting fact? What is my thesis or main topic? The pyramids are an amazing feat of engineering.) Grammar. Correct the mistakes in capitalization, punctuation, spelling and word choice. Watch Love Crime Putlocker more. Click Go On. Click on what year you are studying: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4.
Day 3. 9 Math. Reading. Read “The Ride to London” by Charles Dickens. Read the last paragraph of the story out loud for an audience. Say, “Yoho!” with enthusiasm! Practice reading out loud to yourself first so you can read it fluently. Writing. Today write one of your middle paragraphs.
Decide what order they will go in to make the most sense. Your first sentence should be your topic sentence, your main point. Ex. You might imagine that the pyramids were made by slaves, but really they were built by paid workers.)Then you write your facts. Try to write three sentences for this part, but I would rather you write two long sentences than three short ones. Then you write your conclusion sentence. Ex. Pyramid workers not only were not slaves, but they had comfortable lives and also the noble purpose of serving their king.
Click on what year you are studying: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4. Day 4. 0*Math. Writing**Today for reading and writing you are going to complete these worksheets on similes. You can give this to a parent to add to your portfolio. Vocabulary. Do a vocabulary matching game. Take a screen shot of the game (in the middle) and print it out.
Write on it your name and the date and give it to a parent to add to your portfolio. Click on what year you are studying: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4. Day 4. 1Math. Click on what year you are studying: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4.
Day 4. 2 Math. Reading. Read The Golden Touch. Tell someone what happened so far. What was his biggest fault? Answers)What do you think is going to happen?
Grammar. Play the game on object and subject pronouns. Scroll down and choose one of the games. Subject pronouns are the ones that come before verbs such as I sing, you laugh, he dances, she plays, it works, we live, and they have.
Object pronouns come after the verb such as give him, write her, call them, and bring us. Writing. Today write the next of your middle paragraphs. Below are the directions I gave you on Day 3. Your first sentence should be your topic sentence, your main point. Ex. You might imagine that the pyramids were made by slaves, but really they were built by paid workers.)Then you write your facts.