Watch Confessions Of A Shopaholic Online (2017)
There are no two alike women in this world. However, doing categorisation is sometimes useful (or fun) to do. When you befriend someone, do you unconsciously categorise him or her as belonging to a group? Sometimes, I do. So I begin to ask myself: what about the girls that guys date?

Every girl is different, but is there any typical ‘girlfriend’ group that they belong to? Let’s find out. Here are my 1.

Isla Fisher as Rebecca in “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. She always looks good, but has a low level of self-control, especially when she sees sale items. Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes of Anna Faris Is Unqualified by Unqualified Media for free. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Watch Man On Wire Streaming more. Easily share your publications and get. The House online, watch movies online, full,movies, onlien,free.
I’m a fan of movies, for each of the type I’ll make reference to a movie character. Type 1: The Fashionista.
Isla Fisher as Rebecca in “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. She always looks good, but has a low level of self- control, especially when she sees sale items. Miss Fashionista is quite self- explanatory. This is the girl who loves shopping, dresses in fancy designers’ clothes, and yes, has a good sense of fashion.
She almost always wears high heels and make up, and never gets caught having that horrible just- woken- up look from bed. She is likely to dictate her partner’s sense of style, and generally, she has high expectations on guys. This type of girl is sometimes selfish, but she is so good- looking that if you’re a girl, you want to look like her, and if you’re a guy, you want to be throwing your arms around her shoulder. Pros: Your parents love her, and your friends envy you for having such a beauty by your side.
She always smells good, and somehow it boosts your pride level. She is usually friendly and bubbly, and you almost always skip a beat when you fetch her to a date, as she is always attractive. She is skinny and charming. Cons: Your dates usually include malls, and you constantly end up listening to her frequent complaints about how their feet hurt due to wearing high heels for too long. She buys clothes for completing her collection, not because she needs another pair of jeans. Your bank account is drained quickly, and sooner or later she is going to make a quick makeover on how you dress.
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You need to constantly remind her that money doesn’t grow on trees. Type 2: The Playgirl. Scarlett Johansson as Anna in “He’s Just Not That Into You”.
She is flirting with a married man, and when she fails to get him, she uses another man as her escape. Miss Playgirl has every aspect of a perfect girl. She is beautiful, attractive, charming, and has a good sense of humour. She is perfectly capable of making a guy feels wanted. She is somewhat fashionable, and she has many friends, especially males. She knows that so many people admire her, and she’s playing with each of them – taking their hearts one time and dumping them on the next. Only, she does it so cleverly that you feel like you’re the one who’s doing something wrong.

This type of girl is never satisfied with her partner, and always craving for a better one. Pros: Your friends envy you for being able to have such a perfect girl. Your parents might not like her, but you deny every opinion that they have. You are proud to be standing next to her, for every guy admire her beauty and bubbly personality. She is a dependent type and guys like it. Admit it, you like to know that you’re needed. In sum, she makes you feel like you’re her everything.
Watch Confessions Of A Shopaholic Online (2017) Movieclips
Cons: Your friends talk behind your back about her being such a player. You feel confused at her change of mood – happy in one minute and mad in the other. She goes to you when she needs anything, but forgets you when she doesn’t need you.
In time, you feel like you’ve been used, and if you don’t keep up to her expectations, she’s going to dump you for the next ‘perfect’ guy that she’s been texting for the last three months during your relationship. Type 3: The Nerd. Samaire Armstrong as Nell in “It’s a Boy Girl Thing”. She reads Shakespheare, has an interview in Yale University, and she has no life outside studying. Miss Nerd is the genius type. She is able to give opinions to almost anything, and she spends her free time reading novels.
She doesn’t necessarily hate fashion, but she doesn’t give much attention towards it. She’s usually kind, but her studies come first – anything else comes second.
She is likely to have high dreams, and when she fails academically, she finds her sense of self being diminished. This type of girl secretly envies other ‘normal’ girls, although she claims that she doesn’t have any interest in love nor relationship at the moment. Pros: This type of girl is quite easy to be wowed, if you know the right moves. She doesn’t want another nerdy type of guy to be near her, so if you have a good sense of humour and can make her laugh, you’ll win her heart.
Your parents like her for she’s decent and well- mannered, and she has a bright future. She’s the loyal type, and her intellectual reasoning will make you look one level up among the professionals, and she’s a good supporter towards your career. Cons: Your friends don’t really like her, because she’s boring and doesn’t like to watch movies. It may be even true that your friends find it hard to communicate with her, for all she talks about is the latest book she read or her future dreams. She is a bit conservative in her thinking, so it’s hard to be spontaneous around her. She’s usually not interested in sports and doesn’t tolerate your high addiction to games. She might even scold you for wasting time.
Type 4: The Motherly. Catherine Zeta- Jones as Kate in “No Reservations”. She cares for her sister’s children, and she knows her responsibility. She even has that ‘motherly’ look: gentle, kind, but strict. Miss Motherly is likely to be a good mother to your children, and she has wisdom beyond her age – as if she has already acquired that sense of maturity years before she actually needs it.
She thinks ahead, and she plans her life early on. She is quite conservative, and has a set of values to draw back when she is in the middle of a crisis. She usually likes children. She is a good listener towards her friends, and she always knows the right thing to say to those in problem.
This type of girl doesn’t really care what others think, for she is mature enough to decide things on her own. Pros: If you accidentally make mistakes, she is there to tell you that you’re wrong, and gives advices to make sure you’re back on track. She is going to be a terrific mother one day, and your parents love her. Her friends tell you that she’s a keeper. She has everything prepared: lunchbox, spare keys, spare light bulbs, spare batteries. She is tidy and organised; she knows the places of everything.
In sum, she’s a very reliable person. Cons: If you are not yet looking for a wife material, this girl may wreck your brain because she doesn’t really want to do anything pointless for the sake of having fun. It might be hard to please her, and her scolds might remind you of your mother – not a terrific reminder to begin with. Your friends silently wonder why you date her.
You might even develop a low sense of self esteem because she aces you in everything she does, mostly due to her level of maturity. Type 5: The Feminine. Rosamund Pike as Jane Bennett at Pride and Prejudice.
Miss Feminine is quite hard to be described because most guys have different sets of explanations of what they think of a feminine girl. Nevertheless, she usually likes to wear skirts, not shorts, and she has old- fashioned dress style. She likes nude colours, and has a very soft heart. She may be a little bit sensitive, but she is kind and gentle. She is a great cook, and her favourite drink is tea instead of coffee.
This type of girl is sweet and pretty, and a little bit quiet.
Watch The House For Free On Yes. Movies. Genres: Comedy. Watch Starship Troopers: Invasion Hindi Full Movie. Actor: Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler, Jason Mantzoukas, Ryan Simpkins, Nick Kroll, Allison Tolman, Rob Huebel, Christina Offley, Jessie Ennis, Rory Scovel, Lennon Parham, Cedric Yarbrough, Kyle Kinane, Michaela Watkins, Gillian Vigman. Director: Andrew Jay Cohen.
Production: Gary Sanchez Productions, Good Universe, New Line Cinema.