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Plot outline, cast and crew listing, reviews, trivia, promotional and technical details, multimedia, and links. Feathers over Freeport April 29 & 30, 2017 - A birdwatching weekend for all ages! See you next year! Check back in March 2018 for the details about ths annual event. Series Premiere Date Countdown (EST/PST) Game of Thrones Season 8: Season 8 Confirmed Air Date: TBD 2018+ Air Date/Year TBD Watch Game of Thrones Online.
Watch The Wire Online - Full Episodes - All Seasons. Set in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, where it was also produced, The Wire is part police procedural, part character profile, and part portrait of the American inner city. The show, which aired between 2. HBO, features a large cast of characters, police officers and criminals alike. Gritty and realistic, The Wire does not shy away from the poverty and struggle in Baltimore's inner- city community or the effects of racism and urban decay on children and families. With five seasons in total, The Wire examines a new major theme with each passing season.

Beginning with Baltimore's drug trade, the overarching story focuses in turn on subjects such as the media, inner city government, and the bureaucracy of the public school system. Each challenging subject affects the characters on a professional and personal level. Though the central thematic focus changes from season to season, the characters continuously face infrastructural collapse and career turmoil as the justice system struggles to succeed.

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