Watch Two Mules For Sister Sara Online IMDB
Top 2. 0 Classic Western Movies. Behold! Most- Wanted- Western- Movies. Greatest Classic Western Movies of all time. The list is growing with time and more feedback/ reviews from our visitors. For me watching western movies, writing movie reviews and rating them is sheer fun.
- Directed by John Sturges. With Clint Eastwood, Robert Duvall, John Saxon, Don Stroud. An ex-bounty hunter reluctantly helps a wealthy landowner and his henchmen track.
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But ‘A man got to know his limits.’ ( Uncle Clint said once ). So the Classic Movies list is prepared after rigorous research on westerns, their popularity among masses and review ratings given by people/film critics. So let’s get right to it. Let’s start from bottom to top of our Top 2. Mc. Cabe & Mrs.

Miller (1. 97. 1)Director: Robert Altman. Imdb rating: 7. 3. Cast: Warren Beatty, Julie Christie, Rene Auberjonois.
Plot: This slow brewing western is one of a kind. It’s realistic to its core. A budding mining town interests a gambler and a prostitute. They become partners in setting up a gambling/prostitution business.
Directed by Don Siegel. With Clint Eastwood, Shirley MacLaine, Manolo Fábregas, Alberto Morin. Nun Sara is on the run in Mexico and is saved from cowboys by Hogan.
Behold! presents the 20 Greatest Classic Western Movies of all time. The list is growing with time and more feedback/ reviews from our.
The business is all good, until a large corporation shows up seeking its share. My Darling Clementine (1.
Director: John Ford. Imdb rating: 7. 8. Cast: Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell and Victor Mature. Plot: Directed by John Ford, this classic western movie is based on the story of the Gunfight at the O. K. Corral between the Earp brothers and the Clanton gang. Come on! you know the legend!
True Grit (2. 01. Director: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen. Imdb rating: 7. 7. Cast: Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Hailee Steinfeld, Josh Brolin.
Plot: When her father is murdered, a stubborn teenage girl seeks an unlikely partner, a drunk US marshal. Seldom there are remakes that can stand up to the original film.
This is definitely one of them. Winchester ’7. 3 (1. Director: Anthony Mann. Imdb rating: 7. 8. Cast: James Stewart, Shelley Winters, Stephen Mc.
Nally. Plot: This is the first of eight classic westerns collaboration between Stewart and director Anthony Mann. Stewart searched for a stolen Winchester rifle through several owners until he finds the man he’s looking for. Director: Arthur Penn. Imdb rating: 7. 7. Cast: Dustin Hoffman, Faye Dunaway, Chief Dan George, Martin Balsam, Richard Mulligan.
Plot: This is as classic as it can get. An old man tells his incredible life story. He is raised by Indians, accepted by society and ruined by General Custer’s army. He tells it all. 1. Once Upon a Time in the West (1.
Director: Sergio Leone. Imdb rating: 8. 7.
Cast: Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, Jason Robards, Gabriele Ferzetti and Claudia Cardinale. Plot: Railroad is encroaching the wild west. Some are profiting from this development while some are losing their land to big sharks. To protect the helpless, there comes a rebel who stands against big guns. And joining the force is a mysterious stranger.
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1. Director: Clint Eastwood. Imdb rating: 7. 8. Cast: Clint Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Sondra Locke. Plot: A peaceful Missouri farmer named Josey Wales sets out to avenge the brutal murder of his wife and son by a band of pro- Union Jayhawkers — Senator James H. Lane’s Redlegs from Kansas. The Ox- Bow Incident (1.
Director: William A. Wellman. Imdb rating: 8. Cast: Henry Fonda, Dana Andrews, Anthony Quinn. Plot: In 1. 99. 8, for preservation in the United States National Film Registry, this classic western was selected by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” The film was adapted from the 1. Walter Van Tilburg Clark. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1. Director: John Ford.
Imdb rating: 8. 1. Cast: James Stewart, John Wayne, Lee Marvin and Vera Miles. Plot: The movie opens at a funeral. Fold by fold movie reveals the secret behind the man once who shot a feared outlaw Liberty Valance. Seriously folks, you gotta watch this. No more words! 1. Django Unchained (2.
Director: Quentin Tarantino. Watch The Third Wheel Online Metacritic. Imdb rating: 8. 5. Cast: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo Di. Caprio, Samuel L Jackson. Plot: A real treat for Tarantino fans.
In a world set against black people, a free black slave is helped by an interesting German bounty hunter (played amazingly by Christoph Waltz) to rescue his enslaved wife from a cruel plantation owner from Mississippi. Dances with Wolves (1. Director: Kevin Costner.
Imdb rating: 8. 0. Cast: Kevin Costner, Mary Mc. Donnell and Graham Greene. Plot: This is the journey of Lieutenant John Dunbar who finds himself standing where road to future splits in two. The story unfolds when we see Dunbar being sent to a remote outpost in the wilderness of the Dakota territory during the American Civil War. There he encounters and is eventually accepted into, the local Sioux tribe.
Soon Dunbar earns himself a name, “Dances with Wolves”. His life gets drifted more towards tribal values than his army duties. Not soon after, the frontier becomes the frontier no more, and as the army advances on the plains, Dunbar is torn apart to make a decision that will not only affect him, but also the lives of the natives he now calls HIS people.
The Wild Bunch (1. Director: Sam Peckinpah.
Imdb rating: 8. 1. Cast: William Holden, Ernest Borgnine and Robert Ryan. Plot: In the changing “modern” world of 1. But their retirement plans are as rusty as their guns.
A modern western depicting end of the wild west. Stagecoach (1. 93. Director: John Ford. Imdb rating: 8. 0. Cast: Claire Trevor, John Wayne, Andy Devine, John Carradine. Plot: The Stagecoach tells the story of some interesting characters traveling in a stagecoach. The story is spiced up by the fact that Geronimo and his Apaches are on the warpath in the area. The Goonies Full Movie there.
This was John Wayne’s first super hit movie. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1. Director: George Roy Hill.
Imdb rating: 8. 2. Cast: Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. Plot: Among the classic western movies based on the exploits of the historical characters, this one is a hilarious action western indeed. Butch and Sundance are the leaders of the ‘Hole- in- the- Wall’ Gang. Butch is the brain; Sundance is the muscle of the gang. Together they perform many adventurous robberies.
But now the west is becoming civilized and the fashion of keeping outlaws in town is getting outdated. So now Butch has another idea, “Let’s go to Bolivia”. Watch last days of the outlaws of the wild wild west in this classic western.
In 2. 00. 3, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry. Red River (1. 94. Director: Howard Hawks, Arthur Rosson. Imdb rating: 7. 9. Cast: John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, Joanne Dru.
Joe Kidd (1. 97. 2) - IMDb. Trivia. In the original script, Luis Chama was a more heroic and multi- layered character but Clint Eastwood wanted to be seen as the hero, so this was changed throughout filming. John Saxon said "Clint needed to be the guy who dealt with all the action, so in the end, Chama was smeared with self- serving and cowardice, so it was clear who the main hero was". Saxon attended a NOSOTROS meeting - a Latin American organization opposed to stereotypes, and publicly apologized for playing such a dubious character.