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Populated Cities Version 2.2.0-----Ever felt that the cities were just a little empty? This mod aims to add some more life to all the cities in. A mod for Star Wars Empire at War - Force of Corruption which adds new units and factions.
Galaxies At War mod for Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. Yesterday, someone posted a link in the comments section with a link to a leaked copy of Ga. W 2. 1. Needless to say.. I am NOT impressed by this, and frankly, I find this to be rather annoying. The very fact that one of my internals got leaked is kinda frustrating because it tells me that my Beta Testers cannot be trusted. And before you say it; YES, I have Beta Testers, and YES, I keep their names a secret, and NO, I do not even tell my Beta Testers who their other Beta Testers are.
I prefer to keep anonymity among that group of people for reasons that involve measures to prevent things from getting leaked. Anyway, sometime yesterday, a user by the name of GAWLeaks (I am guessing an account specifically created to leak my mod) posted a link to a 4shared account that allowed the download of a January build of Ga. W 2. 1. This was a rather recent distribution that I had handed out to my Beta Testers, so it was pretty up- to- date, with only a few things missing from my own personal builds. This user stated that they got their copy of Ga. W 2. 1 from one of my Beta Testers.
I can conclude from this that whoever GAWLeaks was, they were either one of my Beta Testers, or they were a friend of one of my Beta Testers who got an unauthorized copy of the mod. Needless to say.. I plan on doing something about this. Little did my Beta Testers know, they each got unique versions of the XML files for the mod (this is one of the reasons why I don't tell Beta Testers about other Beta Testers). In one of, or several of, or many of the XML files, there is a commented line of code that contains a series of characters which will tell me exactly who this version of the mod belonged to.
Description update oct 10 2016 ----- GAME LINKS (HALO 2.rar) : http:// http:// CRACK LINK. Traduction française disponible sur La Confrérie des Traducteurs: Watch River Of No Return Download.

In short, once I check which Beta Tester owned this copy of the mod.. I am going to take immediate action against the culprit in question.. I am going to do everything humanly possible to make things as difficult for this person as I can. I am going to utilize every avenue available to ensure that this person is punished appropriately. Ultimately, the number of downloads of the leak was quite low, and the damage was very minimal. To anyone who downloaded the leak, I strongly urge you to delete the leaked version of the mod, and await an official release. I will not offer ANY support to people who downloaded the leaked version, and if you come forward, posting a comment, or sending me a PM, asking for help setting up the leaked version of the mod, your questions will be deleted without a second thought.
I will provide NO SUPPORT for ANY leaked version of this mod. Furthermore, to all of my current Beta Testers.. In light of the current situation, I feel it is best to no longer entertain the prospect of Beta Testers. I have had too many problems with Beta Testers in the past, and the effort is simply not worth it. As of this moment, all Beta Testing will end. With all of that said.. I now have to clean up the mess that this person made.
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So, the rest of this is here to cover the integrity of Ga. W. First of all, I want to offer a sincere apology to the 3rd parties that offered assets to my mod. Third parties essentially include EVERYONE who is listed in the credits of my mod, and anyone who ever offered or supplied assets that are used in the mod. This leak was distributed, by the culprit, with NO README file, and as such, there was no mention of the efforts and hard work put in by 3rd parties, nor was their any mention of the original copyright owners. This is unacceptable, and it is insulting to the hard work done by other madders in the community.
Second of all, I want to assure everyone that there will be NO MORE leaks of Ga. W 2. 1. With the effective dismissal of all my Beta Testers, I can assure you that there will be no more problems. Third of all, I will be posting an updated credits file for 2. ASAP. I want the record to clearly show who as been of help to Ga. W, and I want their efforts recognized, despite the missing information in the leaked version of Ga.