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Dogs CAN talk to humans. It may sound barking mad, but dogs are able to make their owners understand what they're trying to say through their barks and growls. A surprising study has found that the majority of dog owners are able to identify their dog's emotions through their noises. Women were found to be especially good at understanding what their dog is saying, which the experts believe is down to their greater emotional insight.
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Scientists recorded the sounds made by 18 dogs during activities including guarding their food, facing a threatening stranger, or playing a tug-of-war game. Watch Scott Walker: 30 Century Man Youtube.
Scroll down for video It may sound barking mad, but dogs are able to make their owners understand what they're trying to say through their barks and growls (stock image)DOG TALK Scientists recorded the sounds made by 1. Around 6. 3 per cent of participants were able to identify the dog's emotions in the growls. The human listeners identified 8. Researchers found women were correct at identifying the animal's intentions 6. Watch Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Online Forbes. Dog owners of both sexes were also more accurate than non- dog owners by a similar range – 6.
Scientists recorded the sounds made by 1. These included guarding their food, facing a threatening stranger, or playing a tug- of- war game. Overall, around 6. Watch Hue And Cry Online Free 2016 more. The figure is significantly more than would be expected by guesswork alone, said the researchers. The human listeners identified 8. Researchers found women were correct at identifying the animal's intentions 6. Friendly dogs produced a larger number of shorter, less separated growls, the research showed. Scientists from Eotvos Lorand University in Hungary wrote in the journal Royal Society Open Science: 'It is known that women have a higher emotional sensitivity and probably this higher sensitivity can help to differentiate better the context of the growls.' Researchers at Eotvos Lorrand University in Budapest, pictured, found that dog owners of both sexes were more adept of understanding a dog's intentions than those without a pet.