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· Save a table for me, pal.” With this wry but heartfelt scribble, sent along with flowers, Jackie Gleason said au revoir to his best friend, Toots Shor. Main Stage 6:30-7:15 Workshop Showcase with Dance Instructors & Students – Blue Water Ramblers MC & Music 7:15-8:45 Dixieland Jazz Dance with Dixie Ramblers. Need Facebook Wheel of Fortune word puzzle answers, solutions and cheats? Consult our quick reference chart. Then help us grow more Wheel of Fortune cheats!
A Fond Goodbye to the Great One. Save a table for me, pal.” With this wry but heartfelt scribble, sent along with flowers, Jackie Gleason said au revoir to his best friend, Toots Shor, the Manhattan tavern keeper, who died in 1. Just over a week ago Gleason arrived to claim his reservation. After a three- month battle with cancer of the colon, the Volkswagen- shaped leprechaun who reigned as Mr.
Saturday Night during the Golden Age of TV comedy died peacefully at home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He was 7. 1. “If God wants another joke man,” he said just before the end, “I’m ready.”Two days later, while tapes of Melancholy Serenade and other Gleason compositions played softly in the background, some 2,0.
Miami funeral parlor. The next day family and close friends prayed for his soul at a requiem Mass. Geraldine and Linda, Gleason’s daughters by his first wife, were there with his widow, Marilyn, and drove with her to Our Lady of Mercy Cemetery. Audrey Meadows, Gleason’s co- star in The Honeymooners, was the only famous performer who showed up at the service, but Art Carney, Jackie’s close friend and comic sidekick, sent flowers.
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So did Perry Como, Mickey Rooney and Bob Hope, who spoke for millions when he said: “Jackie was a supercomic, bigger than life as a talent and as a man.”Gleason would surely have agreed. Orson Welles dubbed him “The Great One,” and he wore the epithet as proudly as an emperor wears ermine, charming and tickling and bullying us until we took him at his own measure. Gross in physique, gargantuan in gourmandise, oceanic in liquid capacity, prodigal of purse, a fire hose of libido and a Niagara of comic invention, the B man was excess personified and § one of the great entertainers of the I age. He was the last of the dear mad I Irishmen who from Finley Peter Dunne (Mr. Dooley) to Frank Fay to Fred Allen have made America laugh at their inspired shenanigans, and he died in an Indian summer of his renown. Yet another generation has fallen in love with his finest work, The Honeymooners, and it is in that vintage series, more than anywhere else, that we can still feel the beating of his big, crazy heart. Herbert John Gleason was born on Feb.

Brooklyn’s Bushwick section. Mother Mae was a rosary addict. Father Herb worked in the death claims department of a small insurance firm, drank like a culvert and absquatulated when Jackie was 9, leaving Mae on her uppers.
He was as good a father,” Jackie later quipped, “as I’ve ever known.”) Mother went to work as a subway change clerk and numbed her nights with booze. Jackie developed both a panic appetite that turned him into a lifelong oval and a mania for attention that made him a performer. He performed at the local pool hall so skillfully that at 1. He also performed to guffaws at grade school assemblies, where he recited Little Red Riding Hood in a Yiddish accent. Fired up, he dropped out in ninth grade, beat out “guys who played stomach pumps” in an amateur- night contest and at 1.
Soon he was the toast of Bushwick, a noisy wiseguy who ripped off Milton Berle’s routines and strutted the sidewalks in Chesterfield, derby, spats and a Jell- O- yellow polka- dot scarf. When he was 1. 9, Mae died of an infected carbuncle, and Jackie glumly lit out for Manhattan with 3. For weeks he lived on “potage a l’automat”—hot water and ketchup spiked with Tabasco sauce. Then he got a gig in a Newark, N. J. “bucket of blood” called the Miami Club, where “the rats went next door to eat” and the show was a shouting match between comics and customers. Is that your face, sir, or did your pants fall down?” was par for the coarse.
At 2. 0, Jackie had $1. New Jersey. But this brash kid figured he was the funniest man in the world.
So he wangled a date at Club 1. Manhattan’s top comedy store, and night after night whammered the celebrity- salted house with one- liners that were part burlesque and part Berlesque but delivered with a raffish élan that was all Gleason and a yard wide. Soon he was the hot name in the club scene—Berle called him “my two favorite comedians”—and before long he had a movie contract: two years at $2. Much good it did him. Warners relegated him to bit parts in six god- awful movies (like Navy Blues and Orchestra Wives).
To relieve boredom, Gleason took the mike in Slapsie Maxie Rosenbloom’s saloon and for awhile shared a flat with the ex- pugilist. Watch Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Mediafire. One night, after Maxie had entertained a hooker and then sunk into a drunken doze, Gleason painted his member with Mercurochrome.
When he woke up, Rosenbloom let out a yelp. Omi- god,” said Gleason. That hooker gave you a case of Colorado.” Rosenbloom gasped, “Colorado? Is that bad?” Gleason shook his head. It ain’t good.” Rushing to the phone, Rosenbloom frantically asked his doctor what he should do for a case of Colorado.
By 1. 94. 3, 4- F in the draft because he was 1. Gleason was back East in Club 1. Street from Toots Shor’s glitzy watering hole, where one afternoon he pulled off his most famous prank. He challenged Toots, a man almost as bulbous as Gleason, to a race around the block. You run clockwise, I’ll run counterclockwise.
First man back to the restaurant wins. Loser pays the winner a grand.” Off they galumphed. But the instant that Shor was out of sight, Gleason hailed a cab and made the trip in comfort. When Shor came huffing home, Gleason was sitting at the bar. Shaking his head in amazement, Shor forked over 1.
Then his eyes opened wide. Hey!” he yelled. “How come I never passed you?”But life wasn’t all fun and games. All through the ’4. Jackie’s career was stymied, and his life was a mess.
In 1. 93. 6, at 2. Genevieve Halford. They produced two children, Geraldine and Linda, but from Day One there was trouble. Gen was more Catholic than the Pope—a friend of Jackie’s called her “Mother Cabrini in leotards.” Jackie was a streetnik, a comedy hit man who shot from the lip. He was bored by his bride’s church- mousey life- style, and she was appalled by his riotous living. Gleason smoked six packs of cigarettes a day, ate like a regiment (for a late- night “snack” he might put away three T- bone steaks and two full chickens) and made a religion of booze. I drink,” he said proudly, “with the honorable intention of getting bagged.” With lunch he swilled six double scotches and at dinner the same.
Then he partied all night, often lurching home after dawn. To chase his hangover he usually took a hair of the dog, but sometimes he felt so frazzled his doctor gave him a Thorazine injection.
And then there were the “broads.” Though he admitted that “sex for a fat man is much ado about puffing,” Gleason rarely refused the exertion. In one club “there were 2. Would you like to have dinner?’ ” Jackie paraded his infidelities and from time to time remorsefully confessed them to his spouse. Like Saint Monica, Gen relentlessly forgave her man and prayed for his salvation. Almost as hard to forgive were Jackie’s fiscal orgies. He borrowed big bucks from friends and employers and threw them around like there was no tomorrow.
Drinks for the house!” he would roar as he swaggered into Shor’s. Once he hit Toots for $5. Frank Sinatra to a bar half a block away. Night after night he hired a band and invited “the gang” to a party in his hotel room. Again and again Gen begged him to put his financial house in order. But he never did. What hidden engine powered all these excesses?
Sheer terror, suggests biographer Jim Bishop in The Golden Ham (1. The slum bunny from Bushwick felt small and scared in the big world he had crashed with no ticket but talent, and all the gorging, guzzling and wenching were attempts to anesthetize terror with sensations that made him feel secure. Fat itself was a defense: When he was thin, Gleason’s doctor told Bishop, he got cramps before he had to do a show; when he was fat, he didn’t. And splurging was a way of buying social security. To buy drinks was to buy friends, to show that a nobody was in fact a Somebody, that an outsider was One of the Boys.