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Tom Cruise partied on Scientology ship as girl cleaned. The Freewinds cruise ship is the Holy Grail for any dedicated Scientologist: a coveted destination where members can mingle with rich and powerful A- listers - for a price. Hollywood celebrities, such as Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Lisa Marie Presley and Kirstie Alley, and top- ranking management - most notably leader David Miscavige - have attended extravagant parties on Freewinds. It was here that Cruise celebrated his 4.
Described by the Church as ‘a religious retreat ministering the most advanced level of spiritual counseling in the Scientology religion’, the ship is where Cruise was said to have been holed up when completing his very final level in Scientology, Operating Thetan VIII, which members believe signifies complete enlightenment. Meanwhile, down in the engine room of Freewinds, quality of life could not be more different. It serves as a ‘prison’ for punishing members of Scientology’s hardcore sect, the Sea Org. Scroll down for video.

Before and after: When she was only 1. Ramana Dienes- Browning signed a 'billion- year contract' with Scientology. Now 3. 6, she opens up to Daily. Mail. com about the appalling working conditions she enountered on board the Church's Freewinds cruise ship. The Freewinds cruise ship is the Holy Grail for any dedicated Scientologist: a coveted destination where members can mingle with rich and powerful A- listers - for a price. It was on the Freewinds that Cruise celebrated his 4. When Ramana (pictured third from right) joined the group, she quickly realized she had to denounce her father, who was not a Scientology member. Watch The Final Destination Online (2017).
Inside Scientology. It is the most controversial religion in America, and the most mysterious. Its followers believe they're on a mission to save the universe — but.
Australian Ramana Dienes- Browning was a Sea Org member who signed a 'billion- year contract' with Scientology and, like many others who have escaped from the Church, tell of appalling working conditions. The now 3. 6- year- old endured ten years of hell, five of them what she calls ‘imprisoned’ on the ship. In a searing exclusive interview with Daily.
In an exclusive interview with Janis Grady, whose mother started the Celebrity Centre in LA has spoken for the first time and told of how Scientology. Get the latest news from Hollywood from the editors of Esquire. Last March, I met Haggis in New York. He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, “The Next Three Days,” a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo. Another fascinating Saturday look at scientology from Terra Cognita. PTS in Scientology: Bug or Baddie? L. Ron Hubbard wrote that all sickness, accidents and injuries. Now that Jason Lee has confirmed what we’ve suspected for a long time — that he’s out of Scientology — we’re naturally getting questions from readers.
Ramana Dienes-Browning is an ex-Scientology member who signed a 'billion-year contract' working for the Church, mostly aboard its ship the Freewinds. Watch The Inheritance Online Full Movie.

Mail. com, Ramana reveals what it was like to be a member of Scientology. ‘A lot of the celebrities use Scientology like a free thinking movement: "I’m all powerful, I can bring my own reality."[Celebrities] would come, go scuba diving, have their own cabin, eat in the officer’s mess, have their own waiter and cook, meanwhile Sea Org members are not sleeping, not eating, passing out, and some of them are literally cleaning their crap in the bilge.'I don’t think they believe that there are people like me in an engine room. They might know people get corrected, but they don’t understand the reality of it,’ Ramana said, speaking from her home in the Blue Mountains, just outside Sydney.‘They’d come, go scuba diving, have their own cabin, eat in the officer’s mess, have their own waiter and cook, meanwhile Sea Org members are not sleeping, not eating, passing out, and some of them are literally cleaning their crap in the bilge.’Ramana joined the ship at the tender age of 1. Church and saw that power being abused. She was brought up in Scientology through her mother, a devout member, but her father stayed out.‘We grew up using a different language, using code.'I’d be five, I’d say: “I’ve committed an overt”, not “I’ve done something wrong.” I’d write letters to Ron [founder L. Ron Hubbard] all the time, he was our Jesus, I thought that was cool, I didn’t know anything else. I totally took it as truth.‘I was doing [Scientology] courses from the age of seven, like auditing. Some of it would be talking about sexual experiences.
No way should a girl talk to an adult man about that sort of thing without it being a qualified psychologist. That happened over and over again,' she said. Ramana said: ‘[Celebrities] come, go scuba diving, have their own cabin, eat in the officer’s mess, have their own waiter and cook, meanwhile Sea Org members are not sleeping, not eating, passing out, and some of them are literally cleaning their crap in the bilge'Scientologists host massive parties aboard the Freewinds, Pictured, a framed photo of founder L. Ron Hubbard. Once, when Ramana's family came to visit her, she was allowed to clean up and leave her post below deck.
Pictured, at dinner at the Scientology headquarters in Clearwater, Florida, with her mother (left) and a sister (right), who were visiting from Australia. She was quickly forced to marry to an older man on the ship and punished when she didn't 'please' him sexually. Pictured right, Ramana being given away by the Port Captain, as her father could not be there, and left, a day spent ashore with her sister to prepare for her wedding the following day. But it was on a supposed ‘holiday’ on board the Freewinds that life would change for her forever.
A keen ballet performer, the young teen thought that she’d have a career as a dancer.‘I was training seriously, I’d even left school to do full- time ballet, that was my dream. They’d tried to recruit me before, and I’d always said no. But when I got to the ship, I was out of my normal environment. Watch Surfer, Dude Online Metacritic.
I was 1. 5, I thought it was exciting, we get to go on the world famous Freewinds.‘The recruiters would not leave me alone, I spent hours in their office while my mother did courses, they’d made me read all about the Sea Org and why it’s so important, the world is in crisis, how you are needed to save it, it was total indoctrination.'It got heavier and heavier during the week, they’d follow me everywhere. It makes me shudder now. I eventually said I’d sign a contract to say that when I finished my ballet career, I’d join the Sea Org.
It’s a billion- year contract, it’s ridiculous. He was onto me as soon as I entered the ship at 1. It was bordering on pedophilia especially as he asked me to marry before I was 1. But, once I signed it, they came on hard, they said I had to come as soon as possible. I was terrified. They brought in Commanding Officers to say I’d never make it as a dancer, you’ll never change the world, screaming at me, I was in trauma.'As a 1. There was one point my brain cracked, I had this vision of ballet on one side and the world on fire on the other, and I had a hose, I thought I had to do it.‘I had to go back, tell my ballet teachers, break up with my boyfriend, I didn’t even consider I had an option to change my mind.
My dad is not a Scientologist, and he didn’t understand what was happening to me, he thought I was joining Greenpeace, and I thought I was saving the world, so he signed the paperwork, so that a couple on the ship were my legal guardians, my new mum and dad, because I was underage,' she said. Once on board the ship two months later in 1. Ramana got a taste of what was to come. The teenager began to question everything - and everyone - in her previous life that didn't conform to the teachings of Scientology.‘You write out your life history - the good, bad and ugly - then there’s a Security Check on that to make sure you’ve not missed anything out. So as a 1. 5- year- old, a 4. Ramana said goodbye to her family (including her sister, pictured left) in 1.
Sea Org: a dedicated group of Scientology members. The teenager quickly began to question everything - and everyone - in her previous life that didn't conform to the teachings of Scientology. Pictured, in 2. 00.
Sydney. Ramana had a strict schedule and worked 1. Pictured, her first visit home in six years to the Blue Mountains; in Ramana's words: 'It felt so good to put my hands in the water of my home! I only had 2. 4 hours with my family''[If] they couldn’t find a room, it was in a dormitory in between two bunk beds. They wouldn’t be all sexual, but they’re obsessed with sexual perversions. This all gets stored in your personnel file.‘That stayed with me for a long time and then when I joined the Sea Org. I was the youngest on board. 'Over the first few years, they wouldn’t stop trying to convince me that dad was a "Suppressive Person". On that point, they couldn’t crack me.’Because the ship sails outside of U.